Thursday, October 18, 2012

A year

A year ago today (the 18th of October) was my due date for Rocky. It was my last prenatal, the last time I heard his sweet little heartbeat in my belly, the last time I peed in a cup to check my urine, etc.

A year ago today (Thursday) I gave birth to a sweet little boy. 9lbs 6oz 23 inches of baby.

Today I get these emails.

Sigh. It happens all way too fast.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012


(For some reason this got unpublished...whatever this happened in June...)
Summer is here!! And boy is it HOT! A lot hotter then last summer and I was 6months pregnant!

Our little man is 8 months old! I can't believe how fast the time has flown! Absolutely flown by! I can't believe it! He weighs roughly 24lbs. That's us weighing us holding him and then ourselves and subtracting. We are proud (oddly enough) to announce our little guy has finally gotten sick for the first time in his short life. It started this past Saturday night with a runny/stuffy nose and a slight fever in the middle of the night. And each time he would wake up it took us an hour to get him to go back to sleep. He did want Dada BAD! He would nurse and then push away from me like he was done, no more, I don't want you anymore. And went to Dada and fell straight to sleep. Silly boy. Broke and melted my heart all at the same time. Sunday still a slight fever nothing really over 100 but with little sleep and not knowing if he was coming down with just the common cold or what we stayed home from church. After church and around the time we would have been coming home I get a text saying they hope Rocky is ok, cause they heard we had taken him to the hospital. Don't you just love false information. We thankfully didn't take him to the hospital and so grateful that he has never set foot in that germ infested place. But we are grateful for people who have concerns and wish us well wishes even if the rumor isn't true, so we accept them either way. I just can't help but wonder how anyone thought that? Oh well not the first time a rumor has risen because we skipped church the last time people assumed I had a baby because we weren't at church, false I was very pregnant still. That one made me want to cry at the moment but I laugh now. Ok I'm stepping off my soap box now.

So around mid afternoonish like 1-2 Rocky and I woke up from a nap where he ended up with a red mark on his cheek, cause he fell asleep in my arms. At first I thought it was just a lil heat rash but it stuck around for about an hour and looked like a "slapped cheek". I got a little concerned then and just kept and eye on it. It went away after about an hour to hour and a half. But then we noticed it on his chest and back and it looked like hives. (please note nothing in his diet changed nor had he received shots recently) the rash looked nothing like he's had before and he gets heat rash fairly easily and our doctor has even seen it at its worst. That calmed down and lessened. We went to my parents house for dinner cause he hadn't really been running a fever and seemed ok, and had been playing. The rash on his face returned but it was across his forehead and eyebrows, we thought it was from a little fever. I ended up calling the doctor cause as I was looking through my "What to expect in the first year" book it said something about call you doctor if there's fever and a rash so I did just to play it safe. The nurse who I spoke to diagnosed him with 5ths disease and congratulated us on keeping him unsick his first 8 months of life. So I instantly went to google.

Text book he had 5ths that day, days previous probably not, because he had no "cold" like symptoms until late Saturday night, and then Monday rolls around no rash, no fever. If he had 5ths he would have a rash for like 3 days straight. All he's had since is the occasional runny nose, like when he cries for a long time when he doesn't want to go to bed at night or he goes in and out of ac. My diagnosis, 1:the nurse was wrong and didn't quite read/know a lot about 5ths because I asked if I should bring him into confirm it "she said no he's viral and will infect everyone" 5ths is no longer contagious once you have a rash it contagious when you don't know you have it. 2:he didn't have 5ths and is most likely teething because his sleeping patterns are off and wants his puffs to chew at dinner and not so much food and will chew on me when he nurses.

I'm so much like my mom when it comes to illness google, and books are my first doctor, then I call the real doctor second if it's serious enough. Maybe I should be more cautious but if they act close to normal why should I worry? Plus when I talked to the nurse she told me I read her mind and was doing everything right and was proud of me as a first time momma, so I'll take her compliment even though I think her diagnosis was crap. I do plan on getting his blood tested next month just incase he had a very mild case of it I'd still like to know.

Oh and we're buying a house. What house yet, we don't know. But we have found a house we LOVE. Wish it was a different area we kind of want to move wards. We're getting burnt out, but feel we need to stay for loyalty and we know it's potential. It's a foreclosed home, someone has made an offer but when the bank received the contract they went to the house noticed the ac had been tampered with and copper was stolen. So the buyer could back out or renegotiate. Pray he backs out. This house is too perfect for us. Minus a few things but mostly perfect and I love it.

And I'll close with Rocky's new tricks, a picture of the poor sickling, and some funnies from his bath in his Grammy's sink. Does anyone else act like their kid is a puppy? Lol we do. A lot.


We bought a house on the 31st of August. No Big Deal.

Owning (well on our way to owning...) a home is weird.

And paint can do miraculous things.

Expect before and after pictures soon to come.

My little boy turns ONE next month. I'm pretty sure I'm already in denial.

Monday, July 23, 2012


Change is good. I like change. I'm excited for change. But I'm nervous.

Last Sunday, not yesterday Sunday the one before that, our Bishop and his 1st counselor came over to our house after church to talk to us. They asked me if I would accept a call to be Relief Society President. I happily accepted.

I am excited and all sorts of nervous. Today I got really excited! I got my first "Relief Society President I need your help/here's my concern" call. I was so excited! I'm excited to really feel like I am making a difference. I am excited to inspire and be inspire, strengthen and be strengthened spiritually. I think the Lord knew I needed this calling. Although I hate that I feel like I needed a calling to DO something.

I found this little gem of a video last week and I am so excited to do what Emma Smith do something extraordinary.

We found yet another house today! And it is BETTER than the last one we thought we wanted. It has a few unfinished projects, but that's ok. We are excited to work on our home. That is if it becomes our home.

Friday, July 20, 2012


Patience has to be the HARDEST virtue ever to learn. And I suck at it. I also suck at keeping secrets but THIS secret I will keep. At least for a couple more days. haha this should be fun...I'll just let your mind's go crazy.

Jose is at Youth Conference and we won't see him till Tomorrow evening. :( We miss him terribly. As much as I hate the "cry it out" method. I did it tonight. But my limit was 20 min. I don't understand how parents can set a bed time do the bed time routine and just let their kid cry and cry and cry. for hours. especially babies, who don't really understand and think you leave them when you leave the room and close the door and they are all alone and you aren't coming back. I just can't do it. If my child needs to be rocked to sleep till he's 2 then so be it. But at least then I can talk to them tell them "you lay here, here's some books to look at, but you don't get out of bed, mommy and daddy are going to bed too, you are safe, I love you, good night." (rant over) And luckily he feel asleep. This mama was exhausted (I've slept horribly the past few nights) and my patience was zero. So after nursing, in the bed Rocky man went. I needed a little time to either close my eyes and power nap or have Mommy time. I chose mommy time, cuddled up in a blanket, laying on the couch. Then I passed out and woke up 2 hours ago and haven't been able to go back to sleep. But now I think I shall go to sleep. Till next time.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

House Hunting

We are on the hunt. for a house. And it is rough!

Our very nice Realtor, Mary, told us for our price range and our situation the market is rough, limited, and competitive. And boy is that true.

This past week we found the PERFECT, absolute, PERFECT house. The first one we both walked into loved, AND felt we could live there and start to raise our family. So a couple days later we put in an offer. 2 other offers went in with ours. We were up against TWO other offers!! THREE offers on ONE house!! CRAZY! The house was going to $109,000. We offered $105,000. The owners came back the next day said two offers were the same and one offer was different, give us another offer. So they gave all three of us a chance to offer higher. Very smart on their part, with as many as were offering. So we offered $109,500. $500 MORE then the asking price. And we still got out bid. At first I was a little upset, I loved that house. All we would have to change was the purple paint in the other two bedrooms.

But the Lord has other plans and He knows there is something BETTER for us. We just have to find it.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Our life here recently

Our little man is 8 months old!!! 8 MONTHS OLD!! I can't believe it. He can crawl, almost pull to standing, he has done it a couple times but not really enough to say he can do it. He has two teeth. Still wakes up once a night, but gives his momma and dada a full nights rest every once in a while. Which is heavenly. He gets so excited to see his mom and dad after he hasn't seen them for a couple hours. It is the sweetest ever. He still hates green beans and peas and every green veggie, but likes avocados.

My sister is here this week with her boyfriend Clay he's pretty cool, we like him.

We've decided it is best for me to stay home as much as possible so my work schedule has changed to just Fridays and Saturday's. I'm hoping it works out and isn't too stressful (like my schedule is now) and will help me be a better mom and wife.

Thanks to Steve Jobs, the people at apple, and the people at blogger there's an app to help me blog! I can't read anyones blog from the app which sucks but at least I can blog right?